Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse has lump

mouse has lump

21 15:16:47

my mouse has a large bump on her shoulder what is it and is it horribly bad?


The mouse should go to the vet. The lump may be a tumor, in which case even surgery won't help for long; but it may be an abscess, which the vet can lance and treat with antibiotics, which should completely cure it. So it is important to find out which one it is.

If the mouse has a tumor, it will only get bigger; there is no reason to put the mouse down until it seems to be unhappy or can't leave the nest or eat or drink.

I am not on my computer right now but if you search on here under "natasha mice mouse lump tumor abscess" you will find posts of mine with a little more information, for instance how to treat the abscess if you can't get to the vet. Sorry not to give you a link but it should be easy to find. Most recent posts are always better.

I hope it is only an abscess and the mouse heals well.

