Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My mouse died :(

My mouse died :(

21 15:38:16

Okay I asked you a question earlier. My mouse was alive but chattering. I took her upstairs, cuddled her then she had a fit and has died.

She had a companian Kiki (her sister) and I was wondering if I should or shouldnt buy another mouse and introduce them. I have read that alone mice may become depressed and may die and I dont want another death on my hands.

Thank you so much for all  your help  I am burying Kirah later in my garden. Thank you, demi x :P

Oh, Demi, I am sorry about Kirah.  It sounded to me like she was very sick, so it is not a surprise, but very sad.

I just answered your other questions before seeing this one.

Kiki will definitely become depressed if she lives alone.  However, she might be carrying the illness that Kirah died of.  Thus I would simply put the Tetracycline powder in her water for a week, before giving her a new companion.  There was a link about it in my last answer:  Get Tetracycline capsules or powder from the FISH section of the pet store and put a half a capsule of powder in a small water bottle or a whole capsule in a large water bottle, shake well, and that should be the only water she has access to.

Then you should choose another mouse.  Here's a tip:  If you always have three mice, like I do (ok right now I have 6-- I just attended a mouse fest and got some new ones) then when one dies, it isn't as devastating for the two left.  Then you can replace her soon, but it isn't an emergency.  

Here are a couple of archive answers which include information about introducing new female mice:

Also, I just answered a question called 'mouse cliques', too new to have a link yet, which discusses methods of mouse introduction as well.

Good luck :)

