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Baby mouse sore red bum

21 15:06:50

I found 3 baby field mice a few days ago and have been caring for them. Their eyes are now open and they have just started to slowly eat some solid foods and go to the bathroom on their own. One in particular has seemed very healthy and independent for its age, however in the last day or so, its bum is very red and inflamed from pooping and it is obviously very painful. He has also become less active since and won't eat anymore solids and will take less milk as well. His coat is not looking as nice either, and I'm worried he is losing health. What can I do to help soothe it so that it will be able to eat and go to the bathroom comfortably again?


If you are on Facebook I have an orphan group. We can help try to figure  it out. This sounds serious and I have some medical consultants on there.

Friend me:

and pm me to tell me who you are. Some photos would be great. Ideally including where I can see the shape of his tummy; and his bum. Is the soreness from liquid or from hard poops? Is he pooping every time? Are you still stimulating?

Of course do this here if Facebook doesn't work for you. However I am on Facebook up to 18 hours a day and might check my email once :P. I will look for something from you in either place within about 10 hours.

Sorry it's 7 Am and I haven't slept yet just wanted to get this out to you!

