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Cats brought baby mouse home- tick?

21 15:19:52

Hi, I have been given the present of a baby mouse from my lovely cats. He (according to what I know of hamster sexing) has some fur, closed eyes, and is taking in kitten milk. I am from Massachusetts (which I believe to be a rare place for the Hantavirus to live) but I am wondering what other types of illnesses are associated with wild mice. I believe he is a deer mouse, he is brown with a white under belly. Today after handling him I noticed a little tiny tiny black thing walking on my glove, was that a mite? What is the possibility it is a flea or tick carrying Lyme disease? I was really excited about the opportunity to care for this adorable baby mouse, but right now I am scaring myself out of it. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Dear Amy,

You should worry about any deer tick that you find anywhere. It is also from infected mice that deer ticks get Lyme (the deer just carry the ticks). But the mouse itself can't give you Lyme disease. And with such a tiny baby you won't miss any ticks on it.   Also, a deer tick has to be on you for 24 hours before you get the illness. So just examine his body for ticks and then don't worry. By the way a deer tick is about as big as a grain of sand.

I assume you have read how to take care of the baby. There are plenty of answers in my archives about it.  Please write if you have any questions.

squeaks n giggles,
