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Wild baby mouse questions

21 15:20:22


Baby mouse
I found  a wild baby mouse in my back garden today, s/he was really weak and his/her mother was no where to be seen. So, I picked it up and took it inside. I have spent all today researching how to look after the baby mouse. S/he has fur, eyes are open and its ears are up. I have been giving him a milk mixture and s/he has been eating but not much. I have put s/he in tub with a lid with holes in the lid. Got a box for a bed with bedding and straw-dust on the floor for it. I have put some hamster mix down for it aswel. I have got a pot of water. I have been feeding the baby with a mixture of egg yolks and milk until I can get some cat milk mixture tomorrow. I do not how old s/he is or the sex, and should I release him/her I have already got attached and s/he is really friendly towards me. I am worried that s/he might die because most people say not many live without their mothers. Any advise would be helpful, thanks :)


First of all, thanks so much for caring about the little tyke.  It looks to be about 2 weeks old, according to its little fat ears. Its eyes probably just opened. It's good that you are getting the kitten milk and know how to take care of it.

There is no reason not to keep it as a pet.  It will probably be very tame and be a lovely pet. The way that I measure if a wild mouse should be kept as a pet is if it spends all its time trying to jump out of the cage and hates to be held.  You might see some jumpiness within the next 2-3 weeks; I wouldn't try to figure this out until the mouse is at a calmer age of about 6 weeks.

I have read that wild pups are savable 50% of the time, but that doesn't account for age and circumstances found. I have many questioners whom I have helped to save a baby who have written later about something else and mentioned that the baby was doing great. And many babies are found in awful circumstances and at only a few days old.  I think your tyke has very good chances. Especially because it is eating.

It won't be ready for the seeds for at least a few days. You can give it crackers and soft cheese as well, which may be easier to start on.  But it will wean itself within two weeks for sure. Keep giving it milk until it refuses or is 4 weeks old.

I think you are on the way to having a terrific pet!

squeaks n giggles,
