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mouse paw swollen

21 15:20:22

My mouses paw has started to swell and turn a yellowi color.
I was wndering if ot was a broken paw? If it is what do we need to do to help it heel?
Thank you!
Faye M.


Your mouse needs to go to the vet right away. I don't know what it could be-- other than an infection- and the color worries me (remember, I am not trained in medicine).

Find a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics." If you find more than one, ask how many mice they treat per month, or how many they treated last month.  Dog and cat vets simply aren't trained to know about mouse specifics.

If you really really can't get to the vet, use the instructions I gave this person about treating a mouse with an over the counter antibiotic. But if it isn't a simple infection, this might not help. It's really best to go to a vet:

I wish your mouse the very best luck and health.

