Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > baby mouse wont eat

baby mouse wont eat

21 15:20:22

i am careing for a orphan mouse (aprox 5 days old i think). i work in vet clinic for 9 years we do dogs cats horses i ask both drs and they are no help they dont do rodents. i called associate vet they think i crazy. i have done one before and never had this prob. i am able to get it to eat formula and go potty until this afternoon. problem is it cries a lot bms are less frequent today than yesterday. i personally think its belly hurts like colic or something. i rub no improvement i dilute formula more still no improvement. can i give lactulose? i have access to veterinary products most people dont have however this not my area of expertise i need help!

Dear Shannon,

I'm definitely not a vet... but this is what I know:  The best thing to feed a baby mouse is KMR (kitten milk replacement). If that isn't working try soy milk, pedialyte, or wombat milk.  Also, many of these little orphans just don't survive, especially if they are orphaned at such an early age. If he doesn't make it it isn't your fault.

Best of luck : ))

