Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > homemade bedding

homemade bedding

21 15:39:32

what kind of homemade bedding can i use?

Hi Shoe,

For bedding you can use shredded paper (if possible without writing/ink), cloth cut into small strips, cut up yarn, Kleenex, cotton balls (but not from a medicine bottle because the medicine could make them sick), tissue paper, etc.  This is a good use for those single socks left by the dryer.

Homemade litter in the cage could be wood chips or shavings (not sawdust), dried leaves, newspaper (the less color the better), mulch, or even clean dirt if you live in the country (not city dirt-- I don't think that could ever be considered 'clean' dirt!).  Mice like anything they can climb or dig in and hide in.  

squeaks n giggles,
