Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My mouse just died

My mouse just died

21 15:19:26

QUESTION: A couple of months ago my mouse(patches)suddenly got a lump on her right back leg. She still eats, drinks and runs around with her sister (Squeak) however struggles and tires easily because of it's size. I took her to the vet and he couldn't determine whether it was a tumour or an abscess and gave me some antibiotics to put in her water. I felt it was beginning to help, however my family were unsure. I was just wondering whether you knew of any tips to help her, or is it kinder to just take her to the vets?

ANSWER: Dear Iona,

If it is an abscess, the antibiotics should help. If it is a tumor, nothing will help. If it continues to grow, the kindest thing is when it seems she is unhappy, or is unable to eat or drink, or to move around, to bring her to the vet to be put down.

I hope the antibiotic does the trick.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Natasha,
         I asked a question a few days ago about my mouse Patches having a lump. She died today and now her sister Squeak is on her own. I just wondered what you would advise. Do I leave her on her own or do I buy another mouse to keep her company? I'm not sure what to do

Dear Iona,

Yes, you should get another mouse as quickly as possible. Squeak is very lonely. The best number of female mice to have is three, so that when one dies, the others still have each other. It is hard in the best of circumstances for a mouse to be alone; it is far worse when she is depressed from losing a friend.

It's best to get young mice. When you get them you should put all three together in a very clean cage with no toys that smell like Squeak. Also get some REAL vanilla extract ("vanilla essence" and "vanilla flavoring" are not real vanilla) and dab it on their chins and rear ends before you put them together.

There may be some chasing and squeaking but as long as there is no blood, and no-one is prevented from accessing the nest, food, water, or wheel, everything is OK. Also make sure there is only one obvious nesting spot, so they will be likely to sleep together.

I'm sorry about Patches. I wish Squeak a long happy life and wish you lots of fun with the new mice!

