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Taming New Mice

21 15:18:26

I have recently adopted two female mice, a self black and an albino. They are sweet and curious, but the black one (Peepiceek) is so timid, she pees when I hold her and has been having diarrhea problems, I know this is because she is nervous but how can I help her get over it? The other, the albino named Reepicheep, is  much more secure and completely excited to be held. how can I make Peep happier? I adopted them February 19th and I held them the next day, and then tried to play with them the next but Peep is so scared!

ANSWER: Dear Sarah,

First I have to note the coincidence that two questions ago, a mouse was named Reepicheep. In 1500 questions, that was the first time I had heard that adorable name!

The way that I calm a frightened mouse is through my clothing. First I recommend you always hold both mice at the same time, until Peepiceek is more comfortable with you. Then there are two things to start with. One is to simply let them run around inside your shirt. If their claws are too sharp for your skin, wear two shirts; but if you can stand it, being next to your skin is a positive thing. Make sure you are wearing something they can't get out of easily. Tuck in your long-sleeved shirt. That way the only exits are the neck and sleeves, and you can easily control that. Do whatever you usually do and keep them there for an hour! The other way to use your clothing is to lie on your back and fold the mice into the bottom of your Tshirt. Be gentle but don't let them exit this space. Hold them there for something like three minutes and then gently let go. Hopefully what will happen is that they will then feel safe in that spot and though they wander, they will come back to it.

When you hold her alone in your hand, cup her. Mice like to be inside small, dark spaces. Don't force her to stay inside your hands but encourage her to-- this means when she pushes to get out, give her some resistance but do open up your fingers when she pushed hard. Then close it again when she pulls her head back in. When you open your hands, do it slowly. Hold her body as much as possible. Give her a lot of face time-- kisses. Pet her if she will let you-- you can massage her gently when she is in your hand. Talk softly to her. Don't pin her down, but encourage her to stay still.

The other way is of course through treats. You might want to train her to come on your hand in the cage; or to eat treats when you are holding her.

best of luck. Write back to what worked or didn't work <:3  )--~

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks I loved the answer! Reepicheep is the name of the leader of the talking mice in Chronicles of Narnia, and Peepiceek is 2nd in command. The names fit them! I had a break through with Peep: I put my hand in the cage and left it there, and she was curious and so she sniffed, hopped on, and crawled up my arm! She also ADORES her ball!
Question 1: How can I get Reep to run in her own ball? She is disinterested in most things except for her wheel...and bananas o.O

Question 2: It is obvious Reep is the dominant of the two, but is she harsh to Peep? Reepicheep groomed Peepiceek almost ferociously; she grabbed her head and pushed her down, then proceeded to sit on her and clean her fur meticulously! After watching them a bit, I got upset with the way Reep was acting and I thought she was a male (the way she was sitting) and I had to take her out and make sure: both of them are the same, I am quite positive.

I have found that the mice like me to leave my hand in the cage and let them investigate, and I talk to them often to get them used to my voice. They are warming up great!

Also, my friend and I have a website about mice care, you can see pictures of our mice. Reepicheep and Peepiceek have not been added there, yet, though:

-Sarah Squeak

Dear Sarah,,

That explains it! I guess more people will write to me about mice names Reepicheep. Up until now the most common names have been Pumpkin, Oreo, and Squeekers.

That's terrific, that Peepicheek crawled onto you. Perfect. Now I am confused about the ball: You write "She also ADORES her ball! ... How can I get Reep to run in her own ball?"

I'm going to assume that you intended to write she adores her *wheel*. Some mice like the ball and some don't. It can be very scary. I've noticed that the ones that don't like it will just sit in it and maybe wash their whiskers and pee and poo and look unhappy. Don't push it. If she loves her wheel, she is getting enough exercise.

As long as there is no blood, and Peep doesn't look depressed, and Reep lets Peep get to the wheel, food, and nest, they are fine. The mounting behavior that looks like sex is just a show of dominance. Reep wants to make darn sure Peep knows Reep is the A-mouse. The grooming is the same.

Very cute website! By the way, aspen bedding is safe for rodents. I see that you have a mouse named Oreo too! Poppy is the prettiest.

squeaks n giggles,


<:3   )--~

btw white mice were also worshipped in parts of Egypt! There were temples overrun with mice!

(answer to your note):

Yes I have had rats. but only since last August. We now have only four mice but we have (omg!) 7 rats. Three big boys, one dwarf at 150 g, and three tiny 80 g dwarfs that we call the microrats. We planned to get two rats but then.. and then...


PS I have decided it would be cool to be Facebook friends with some of my questioners. If you would like to friend me, I am the only Natasha Millikan on Facebook. And you will get to see my mice... and more so, my rats, including mouse-sized rats! Be sure to attach a message or I might not accept. But if you have questions do continue to use this site, so that other people can benefit from the answers.
