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Mouse Experiment Questions

21 15:24:27

Hello, my name is Whitman. I go to a magnet school and I have a few questions about my SRP (Science Research Problem) and its on mice so I thought you could answer them.

If a mouse eats during the day, will they gain more weight?

For better results in the experiments I want to use a high-fat diet. Do you know what I would have to feed them to do so?

Do you think the mice would become obese if I did this experiment long-term?

Thank you for reading this e-mail. Please respond when you have a chance to.

Dear Whitman,

I'm not a scientist or researcher, but I can give you sensible answers. The time of day a mouse eats *probably* has nothing to do with how much weight it gains.  Mice eat all night and during the day normally.  

Making any animal gain weight is not healthy for the animal. If you are going to do so, however, use only healthy fatty foods such as sunflower seeds and nuts. Never sugar.  You could probably make a mouse obese this way but it's cruel to do so.

Please be kind to the mice.  They are as sweet and loving as cats and dogs, and should be treated with the care you would give a favorite pet.  Figure out what you are going to do with the mice after the experiment so that they have a happy home and don't get killed for the purpose of your project.  
