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Mouse bites

21 15:40:12

Hi I thought my female mouse was being bitten at the base of her tail and rump by the other female mouse but now they are separated I'm not sure.  Her wounds have healed over but no hair has grown back and it looks today like she has taken the skin off one wound (by licking?) and what might be another bite.  Any suggestions?  I have sprayed both mice for lice.  Thanks

She may have taken the skin off by licking or biting as it is probably itchy (like some human wounds). Itching is a good thing as it means the wound is healing. However, it can be counter-productive. Try putting Vaseline or Sudacrem on the area. This should help heal the wound and also deter the mouse from licking it as both taste foul.

It could also be a skin problem. Try athletes foot powder. Sprinkle it in the cage and on all the mice for about 2 weeks.

Sometimes hair grows back a different colour or not at all after wounds. Theres nothing you can do and it is nothing to worry about.

Your main concern is what may have caused the problem. If it is the other mouse then you will need to permanently separate them and find a buddy for both. Mice are social creatures and it is cruel to keep them in solitary confinements.  

I could give you more accurate advise if you sent me a photo of the area. It would also be useful to know the following;

How long have these mice been together?
Are there any others in the cage?
Are you sure the other mouse is female?
When did you buy these mice?
Have there been any new mice introduced in the cage?

Please feel free to ask any more questions. I hope your mouse feels better soon!