Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Pet baby mouse too young?

Pet baby mouse too young?

21 15:11:24

Hi, someone just gave me a baby mouse. I think they said it was around 3 weeks old but it's really little. The lady who gave it to me didn't really tell me anything about it. I know it is a girl but that's about all I know. I put her in with my other girl mice who seem to have accepted her but I don't think she has eaten any of the lab blocks that I put in there. The battery in the scale that I usually use to weigh them is missing so I can't weigh her until I get another one tomorrow but I think she is around 8-10 grams because my other mice are around 25 grams and she is a little less than half their size. I can get KMR tomorrow if I have to also.
What should I do in the meantime to feed her?
Also how old do you think she is?

Dear Maria,

She is a beautiful girl! We know she is over 2 weeks because her eyes are open, but she may not be much over it. Still, luckily she is big enough to hold food and nibble.

The best thing for her would be a piece of crisp bread such as Wasa, in medium sized crumbs, soaked in the KMR. Until then, yogurt of any kind is fine. No other dairy products besides yogurt though.

You can also soak the mouse blocks in KMR or even in water, to make a mash and see if she will try that. It may help her to associate food with the smell of the blocks.

The other girls will love it too, so be sure to give them a lot!  It won't make anyone fat for the maximum one week that you may want to give it to her.

If you got a powdered KMR then donate the rest to your nearest animal shelter.

She may also  be a runt. Some runts slowly become full sized, and others never catch up.

Have fun with her! She is very lovely.

Squeaks n giggles,
