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mouse running in circles

21 15:18:06

I just bought two mice. I've had them for about 4 days now. The smallest of the two will run in circles all day long. I haven't calmed her down enough to hold her yet and haven't tried picking her up but every time i enter the room she starts running around. She will run over her other house mate who is bigger and usually sleeping in the corner. I want to know if this is normal or if something is wrong

Hi Justyn,

It sounds like she is just very anxious about her new home, and looking to the other mouse for support and reassurance.  Give her a few more days with little disruption to adjust to her new home.  Make sure her cage is far from drafts, electronics, and any other pets, and after a few more days start bringing her treats.  Enter the room, drop two treats in (some mousies get jealous and fight over treats if you don't give them one each), and leave them alone again.  Try sitting in the same room as the cage for a little while, closer and closer, and playing with the other mouse if she will let you.  After a couple of weeks she should start to calm down.

Let me know if she doesn't calm down eventually, but I think you'll find once she's settled in she'll be a bit less excitable.  :)

Best of luck!