Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > ultracare bird mite and lice spray hurts mouse

ultracare bird mite and lice spray hurts mouse

21 15:08:21

I gave ultracare bird mite and lice spray to my mice and now my mouse seems to be really jumpy and rubbing her bottom like shes got poop stuck to her butt I used the bird version because you wrote this is more of a milder formula than the rodent spray. And now Im very worried about them.I hope I did not poison them giving them the bird formula.Is there different ingredients in the bird formula that could hurt mice do you really have experience giving the bird formula to mice.I just don't want worry about it that I could have hurt my mice.Please write back cause im really worried about it.

Dear Marie,

Aww, poor mouse, she really is allergic. She will be better soon- the mice I had were in pain for six hours. If you can just hold her still in your hands. Every time she jumps it hurts worse because every time something touches her skin it hurts. She does not understand that she needs to be perfectly still. If you can hold her perfectly still then do if not, put her in a container with a sweater or fleece or something so soft it might not hurt her, all the way up the sides too, so she can't hit anything hard. Poor girl, I wish allexperts would send me text messages like they are supposed to.

Now, when people ask about mites I try to get them to get some Revolution from the vet or from someone that has a cat or puppy (not the dog version). You just take one drop and tap it onto the skin, not the fur, of the mouse. Don't let her wash herself for ten minutes. It kills anything that bites her for a month. I wish I could go back and delete my old questions where I have learned more since. A lot of vets may not know that it can be used for mice.

I hope she feels better soon. Don't forget to clean everything thoroughly. Now that you know it hurts her, the idea of doing it again in 7-10 days is unthinkable. If you can possibly get Revolution instead, it will be so much better. Some vets will sell you a kitten supply without a visit. You have ten days to get it. If you aren't going to be able to get it from a friend or a vet, contact me and I will give you info to get it online. I don't have that info at my fingertips right now because I am on my phone.

If somehow you can't get Revolution, or it is just going to take longer than 10 days, just treat the other mice/mouse and clean everything thoroughly. Get it asap. Otherwise all you have is hope that treating the other mice and the cage was enough that even though she will have had eggs on her that will hatch. Maybe it will be little enough not to cause a problem.

I am sorry that she is suffering. Try to keep her quiet or in a soft environment.

