Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > breaking up mouse fight

breaking up mouse fight

21 15:38:35

QUESTION: Dear Natasha,

I already have a mouse. I've had her for 11 months now and I was thinking of getting another baby mouse and putting it in with her.
I was wondering if she would do something to the other mouse.

P.S She's blind

ANSWER: Dear Jessica,

It's funny, but I love handicapped mice.  They are so special.  

Mice do need mousie companionship, so she definitely needs a friend.  It is a good idea to get a baby mouse because a bigger mouse might attack her.  This kind of levels the playing field.  

Introduce them in a completely clean cage that doesn't smell like the first mouse (wash all objects).  There will be a lot of sniffing and probably chasing and squeaking too.  This is ok unless somebody bleeds.  (If the bigger mouse becomes the 'A' mouse, which she most likely will, you will also see a little more chasing and squeaking as the little one gets bigger).  So long as they sleep together there is probably no problem.  I think they will get along fine.

If you think something is wrong, do contact me again.

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What would I do if one of them started bleeding or looked like they were in a fight?

Dear Jessica,

If one mouse attacked the other and drew blood, you would need to separate the two.  If they are chasing and you need them to stop so you can pick one up, clapping your hands loudly should stop them.  

squeaks n giggles,
