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Paper shredder mouse

21 15:38:35

Dear Natasha,

Everytime I clean my mouses cage and put new paper down for bedding she always rips it up and puts in in the place where she sleeps even though there's already a lot in there.  
 I was wondering if I there was any way I could make her stop ripping it up?  

P.S Does this have any thing to do with her blindness?


Dear Jessica,

Your mouse is doing exactly the right mousie thing.  No, you can't stop a mousie from shredding paper!  It's in her nature.  She's doing what she wants and there's no reason not to let her.  

Do you need another type of litter so she will leave some in the other spots?  You can buy lots of different litters such as wood chips, corn cob litter, alfalfa pellets, Carefresh or other paper litter, etc, at the pet store.  

I hope I answered your question.  If you have any more, do write back!

squeaks n giggles,
