Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > my mouse is making a noise

my mouse is making a noise

21 15:31:45

QUESTION: Hi,I have two female mice I got both of them from my art teacher's daughter at school.Well one of them has been making a noise that sounds like a helicopter,chatting,or a clicking noise. I'm very worried that something is wrong but i have read some of other peoples questions and it said they where happy.Mine have been making this noise for over a week even when I'm not playing with it.please help!

ANSWER: Dear Dani,

An chatty noise can be a good sign or a bad one.  Mice do occasionally click when they are happy.  On the other hand, a chatty noise can mean the mouse has a respiratory infection.  Does the mouse seem unhappy at all?  Lethargic? Fur not smooth? Hunched over? A visit to the vet is the best idea. Bring both  mice.

To make it more complicated, it is also possible that the mouse has already survived a respiratory infection and is no longer sick.  Some mice make chatty sounds for the rest of their lives.

If the mouse seems sick and you can't get to a vet, write back-- or for a much quicker answer, just search under "Natasha" "mouse" and "antibiotic."  Best of health to your mouse.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much i do feel a little bit better knowing that.My mouses fur is still silky and smooth and soft like it always is.My mouse has stopped making the noise do you know why that might be?please help again.

Dear Dani,

Well, that's a relief.  Maybe she was sick and now she is better.  If she doesn't make it again, no worries.  

She may do it on and off.  It still could mean she is sick, or it could still mean she was sick at some point.  If the other mouse does it, bring them to the vet or treat them both and treat their water as delineated here.  The water should be medicated for a week:

The vet is always the best recourse.  

Best of luck and health to both mice.

