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Male Mice Fighting

21 15:21:00

My two male mice who are little over three months old were best friends. One recently bred and they cannot be near each other now. I have more than enough space for them to have their own cages, but I was wondering if there was any way I could get them to be friends again. If you have a way, please, please, please, tell me.

Dear Carly,

Unfortunately, male mice almost always fight. The main exceptions are litter mates or a father and son pair-- who have never been separated, and  even there there's no guarantee; or mice especially bred to be super docile. And even more unfortunately,  male mice will fight to the death.  I'm very glad to hear that you have room for two cages because that's what you need now.  Be sure to keep the cages as close as possible because mice do communicate all the time in squeaks too high for us to hear. Single mice also need a lot more attention from you.  A minimum of an hour of quality person-time a day is important.  However, you may well be able to hold both of them at once. Also, this doesn't have to take up time you could be reading or watching TV because they can just sit on your shoulder sometimes.

I'm sorry I can't give you a way to help them to get along. There's just no way.

On the positive side, they will each develop a closer relationship with you.

squeaks n giggles,
