Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My Mouse has lost Weight And isnt very Active what Is wring with her?

My Mouse has lost Weight And isnt very Active what Is wring with her?

21 15:16:08

I have Three mice 2 females 1 male One Is pregnant And the Other Is losing Weight And Is Not very Active i just Need advice of Whats wrong. Could She Be pregnant too? Please help my Vet is out of town And i Cant afford My vet Is out of town And i Cant afford any Other Place right now Hurry please help!

Dear Xaziea,

If she is losing weight she is not pregnant. She may have a bacterial infection. If you can't get to the vet, the best you can do is get her on an antibiotic you can get cheaply and  without prescription. The easiest one to get and use is Tetracycline formulated for fish.

You can easily get Tetracycline formulated for fish at one of your big box pet stores (Petco and Petsmart). Do the following:

Pick up a bottle of Tetracycline from the FISH section.

You are going to put some in her water bottle and try to get an initial dose inside her.  

If you have the capsules, empty one capsule into a large water bottle or one half into a small one.  Shake extremely well.  If you have the powder,  1/4 flat teaspoon measure is the same as 1 capsule.  If you have the tablets, completely crush them into fine powder with the back of a spoon and use as powder.   This should be her only water source. Cover the bottle of water with tin foil, because tetracycline reacts with light.  Change every few days for ten days.

Next, take another capsule worth and mix it with one drop of water.  This will make a paste about the consistency of mustard.    You have plenty to play with, so if the mixture is too watery, try again.  Now pick up the mouse by the scruff of the neck.  This is the skin just behind her head.  This does not hurt her-- it's how her mama used to carry her-- but she will struggle valiantly.   Holding her gently but firmly,  quickly place a small amount into her now open mouth.  This is hard.  Be careful of her nose!  Wipe a bit more onto her whiskers and chin.  She will ingest that when she washes herself.  If you couldn't get any inside her at all, wipe some more on her head and sides.  Put her back into her cage so she will wash herself.  

You must make sure that she does not get cold. Keep the cage in a warm (not hot) place and make sure there is plenty of warm bedding.

Usually I keep cage mates together even if one is sick, because the Tetracycline doesn't harm healthy adult mice, and a lonely mouse isn't as good at fighting illness. But since these babies haven't been exposed yet, and also because Tetracycline can (rarely) affect bone growth in babies, unfortunately I have to recommend the sick girl have her own cage. The cages should be next to each other so they can communicate.

If she is a very, very, especially sweet  mouse and simply loves to be held, and is sick enough to be motionless, one thing that helps a sick mouse to fight illness is actually to be held in your hand continuously, very quietly, for 12-24 hours. However, this isn't true for the average mouse. Only if she is especially loving. And of course you may not be able to. Otherwise, don't pick her up and put her down, that is too stressful. I hope it will not get this far anyway.

There are also other reasons to lose weight besides bacterial-based illness, which your vet can help you with when they get back. Some can be cured and some can't. But giving her an antibiotic may save her life.

I wish her the very, very best of luck.

