Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > can dead wild mouse infect me?

can dead wild mouse infect me?

21 15:11:55

Hi, my cat brought home a very young field mouse tonight and unfortunately it didn't survive.
I am now concerned as I held it in my hand as it died but I got a lot of its blood on my hands and was not wearing gloves. Is this dangerous?

Also, I could visibly see tiny crawling parasites on it and some were crawling on my hand and now I'm itching all over and hoping its psychological. Can humans catch parasites from mice?


Dear Rach,

I would not worry a bit. The disease that people get from field mice-- hantavirus- comes from breathing in the dried urine and feces in an infested area. Nothing comes to us through mouse blood. As for the itching it is psychological. You saw the parasites on the mouse, so you would be able to see them on yourself. Mouse parasites are not interested in humans. The idea that rats carried fleas that infected people in the bubonic plague turned out to be a myth.

No worries-- and the mouse is happily eating seeds - or maybe it has discovered cheese - in mouse heaven.

Thank you for caring about the little critter.

