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Stubborn Respiratory Infection in mouse

21 15:37:33

I have the tetracycline and I put it in her water bottle, but she doesn't seem any better from when I last got it a couple weeks ago. Her droppings show no sign of diarrhea but she has lost a lot of weight. I had to put the 2 other mice back in with her because if she didn't she'd most likely freeze to death. The other mice don't seem to be affected by the medicine but I don't know if the medicine if working for my sick mouse. Could she be immune to it?

Dear Stephanie,

If the Tetracycline didn't work then either she needs a different antibiotic or it's a virus instead of a bacterial infection. She needs to go to a vet.  If that isn't possible there isn't much you can do except hope.  Sometimes mice pull through things on their own.  The important thing is to keep her warm and make sure she has easily accessible food and water.

Best of luck.  I hope she gets well!

