Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse First Mate

Mouse First Mate

21 15:33:16

QUESTION: Finally! The day has come, I got my  new mouse Harry today!  Now, I want to introduce Harry to Ginny but I'm not sure if 1)they will get along and 2) Harry doesn't have a unstable health pattern (i think you can call it that) in his family.  When I put Ginny in Harry's cage should I put a dab of real vanilla on them? What if I put artificial vanilla on them?  The rest I'm not worried about because I had those questions answered by you previously.  When I got Harry yesterday I noticed that his brother, although they seemed peaceful, had a bite on his back.  Could this be a sign that they could have been fighting or could there be something wrong with Harry's brother?   Please answer as soon as you can.
Thank you,

ANSWER: Dear Jenn,

I can tell you are going to take care of this mouse family well, because you are thinking of everything in advance!  First, about Harry's family.  There is no way of knowing what his pedigree is like, but if the mice in the cage looked healthy and normal, there is no reason to suspect a problem.  The bite on Harry's brother's back comes from the fact that males simply do not live together well:  They will sometimes fight to the death.  However, even well-pedigreed mice are sometimes born with defects, just as a handicapped child is often, or usually, born to a human family with no history of such.  My breeder's mice have beautiful pedigrees going back many years, but occasionally, in his thousands of mice, he comes up with a 'special' mouse, like the wonderfully sweet mouse I have right now, Little Honey, who has a natural bend near the tip of her tail (and was a runt).  Of course he stops breeding that line when that happens.  

You need to use real vanilla extract.  

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I introduced Harry to Ginny today and Ginny made 3 very high pitched squeaks when Harry came to inspect her.  I suppose this is normal, but just checking.  She was in my  hand when I took her to him and he sniffed her (don't want them to mate just yet: mom getting severe second thoughts)and she started wriggling around.  I guess this is also normal, but, yet again, just checking. ;-)

ANSWER: Dear Jenn,

Yes, completely normal.  You can even expect a whole lot of scary-sounding squeaking along with chasing when they get together.  Everyone is ok as long as there is no blood.  Plus, sorry to say it, female mice don't like to mate.  The males bite their ears!

Your mom is a wise woman.  She might even want to take a look at the following post..

...suggesting that you could have 200 mice within 5 months if you are careless!  The best thing to do is make sure you have people who say they will take the males, assume about 5 males, or a pet store which will take or buy them (mine used to trade with me for food and toys), before you mate.  Also have several cages available.  Adult males do fight to the death, so each boy might need his own cage.  Sometimes litter mates, if never separated, can stay together, but you can't count on this.

Best of luck,

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually my mom doesn't know anything on mice, dislikes them, and just doesn't want anymore of them.  So I think this could be a reason she doesn't want baby mice.  I do however have people that will take males and some females.  But do you know about how long it will be before my mice mate.  (If I put them in their cage now?)

Thanks bunches for all your past help,

Dear Jenn,

Mice go into estrus (heat) within 5 days after meeting a male.  They might mate the first day (maybe they even got interested during those first sniffs), or it might take up to a week.  In terms of planning, best to just expect the babies 21 days after the two move in together.  Clean the nest a week before the birth so you don't have to disturb them too close to the birth either before or after.  Take the male out on day 20.  

I'm sorry your mother hasn't seen the light!  Mice are awesome : ))

squeaks n giggles,
