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My Mouse has a Neck injury!

21 15:07:29

Something is wrong with my mouse and I'm not sure what to do about it, can you tell me what's wrong? My little mouse Nymeria has managed to injure her neck somehow. She looks twisted. When she walks or moves her head is tilted upwards now and she only seems to be able to move her head in one direction. It appears she may have pulled something, but I don't know what to do. She's walking around and eating, but mainly she's staying in her little home. Normally she's very energetic and all over the place. Please help.

Hi Emely,

Is there a veterinarian in your area who works with pocket pets like mice?  It sounds like she is indeed injured and it is important that she see a professional who can help her in person.  Since I am not there, I cannot guess what is causing the twisting and tilting - it could be anything from an ear infection to a pulled muscle to something more serious.  Her lack of normal energy is another big reason to see a vet if you can - mice do not like to show when they are in pain, so slowing down is a sign that they are experiencing discomfort.

If you have trouble finding a vet, try asking your local animal rescues - sometimes they know of low cost options or have a veterinarian on staff.  Also ask your local pet shops, wildlife rescuers/rehabilitators, and even rodent breeders if they know anyone who can look at her in person and help, or maybe just point you to an affordable vet.  Either way, it is important that she be seen by a professional, because since I can't see it in person and don't know what happened, I can't tell you if it will get worse or better.

I am sorry I can't offer more help, but if you have more questions you are more than welcome to write me a followup.  You can also try uploading a video of her moving in the way you described to Youtube, and I will use it to ask other mouse experts if they have ever seen anything like it and if they have any advice I can pass on to you.

I hope she feels better soon,