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Mouse pup with injured legs

21 15:19:35

We have pet mice that had babys 2 weeks ago they are running around the tank now with eyes open and started to nibble on food.
but we found one of them yesterday and both his front legs are not working he just drags them and pushes him self by his back legs . He cant use his front legs to eat and he gets very cold. Will both his front legs heal? Is there anything we can do for him.  

Hi Jade,

That doesn't sound good.  If he hasn't always been this way, it could be that he has an injury that needs to looked at.  Otherwise, it may be a defect that wasn't noticeable before the other pups started running around and exploring the world.  First and foremost he needs to be kept warm, so perhaps putting a heating pad on low under the side of the tank without the nest will help him stay warm no matter where he goes.

Without seeing him in person, I can't tell you if they will heal or even what caused the problem.  If it is at all possible to take him into a veterinary professional that treats small pets, please do.  They will be able to help you figure out what went wrong and if there is anything you can do to help him.

Best of luck to the little guy,