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mice eyes

21 15:19:34

my mouse has a cloudy eye ! it wasnt there yesterday! he has been having problems with his skin! scrathing all of time! are the two related !  he will be 2 in december!  any ideas thanks steve

Hi Steven,

If you can get him into a vet, it would be an excellent idea to do so.  There are several things that could cause itchy skin, and without more details it's tough to say what's causing it.  My first guess would be mites, but I really, really need to know more before saying for sure.  If it were mites you could pick up a bottle of avian mite spray from your pet store, shake very well, and follow the instructions on the bottle.  Be sure to allow the fur to dry completely before putting him back in his home, to thoroughly clean everything in his cage with hot soapy water, and to repeat treatment in 10-14 days.  If the problem isn't mites, however, this is going to be pretty uncomfortable for your mouse and wouldn't solve the problem, so if you can ask a professional, do.

Mites typically target the head, neck, and shoulder areas first before moving on to other areas of the body.  It usually looks scabby and irritated, from all the itching they cause.  The scratching will also cause fur loss in those areas.  Scabbing can lead to infections and other problems, so be sure to keep any serious spots clean with betadine (diluted with water to the color of tea and applied gently to the area, then wiped gently away).

The eye problem is likely an infection caused by accidentally scratching the eye.  An eye infection would need to be treated with antibiotics, either something to apply to the eye or something to put in his water.  There are antibiotics you can get over the counter to try, but the eye is a special area so I really recommend calling a vet if at all possible.

Best of luck, and I hope he feels better soon!