Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > foundlings


21 15:38:19


hi Natasha,
i found two baby mice (i think) under a car we were storing in our yard. eyes still closed and ears still very small. they root and squeak.when we moved the car they feel out but i coudn't find mom to give them back. bought nestle nutriton formula for newborns and fed them a tiny bit but i need a smaller dropper. i see every half hour (wow i'm going to be tired) but how much do you think they should eat?? i dont want to stuff them but i dont want to starve them. i am having to just put it on their mouth a bit at a time and wait for them to swallow. they were just found about 2 hours ago. i spoke to the pet store guy and he gave me two options formula or he had snakes....i bought formula. i have to try...any advice you can give would be helpful. i know the potty trick just like their mom does but a damp paper towel works great. and i know to keep them warm but i dont have a heating pad so i need to think of something else. also how warm do they need to be?? i will have to rig up a lamp and thermometer. wow this got long. ok well anything will help. i was so glad to see this site. it has already helped a bunch. i will try to attach a pic
thanks for your time

Dear Julie,

Your foundling mice are very cute!  Thank you so much for saving their lives.

My archive answer to read about raising foundlings is this one:

and in fact, her mouse was about the same age as yours.

As mentioned in the post, you do not have to feed them every half hour.  They will be fine with intervals of 2-3 hours, which is enough work for you!  If you don't have a dropper, you can try a very small paintbrush in the meantime.  Feed them until they don't want any more.  A hot water bottle is as good as a heating pad; or a heat pack wrapped up to control the temperature.  They shouldn't be hot, just warm.  Mom mouse is supposed to be sitting on them to keep them warm.  Even a bag of frozen vegetables (poke a few holes in it so it doesn't explode) heated up in the microwave (or boiled in the bag in a pot of hot water) and wrapped in a towel, would be a probably temporary substitute.

Once  they get a little bigger this archive answer will help:

Best of luck and have fun!
squeaks n giggles,
