Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > wild mouse with a hurt front arm

wild mouse with a hurt front arm

21 15:18:01

I found a wild mouse in the parking lot at work just sitting there shivering, the fact that i could pick him up told me something was wrong. His front arm or paw was there but shriveled up kinda, anyway i brought him home,put in a cage gave him some penicillian ( my boss is Dentist and an animal lover) he seems better he eats and at night jumps around the cage. My question is can i bring him back to were i found him and let him go? i know you dont offer medical advice but i would like your opnion. He really does seem better but i dont want to let him go if he cant suvrive.    Thanks

Hi Linda,

Thank you so much for saving him!  It sounds like you did a great job!  As long as he is energetic and eating well you can definitely release him.  I wouldn't release him in the same place, as he could get injured again, but a nearby brushy, non-open area would be perfect.  If you want to double check his health you can take him by a wildlife rehabilitator and make sure they think he's set to go, too.

Best of luck to the little guy!