Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > soothing mouse skin?

soothing mouse skin?

21 15:14:21

Hey natasha,
This is a question pretaining to my last question. I have figured out my mouse Sybelle is a real sensitive type, i guess being albino can do that but I have decided she has a food allery, not mites, and treating her with a differnt diet. She has managed to itch the right side of her head and around her ear rather raw though and i can only image how it could also itch while healing. Is there anything I can put on it to make it soothing for her so she doesn't double time itch.  ( itch from healing and any other kind of itch) Woud neosporin or aloe vera help?

Dear Lauren,

Aloe is fine. But make sure you have 100% aloe, not a mixture "WITH" 100%aloe. They try to trick you. It may be hard to find it. The best place is from an aloe leaf. Maybe your florist would donate one small part of an unnoticeable leaf...

I  also recommend a mixture of half vitamin E oil and half cooking oil. You get vitamin E oil by breaking apart a gel cap. I recommend diluting it because it is very thick and hard to spread. Just remember she is going to eat whatever you put on her so spread it thin.

Best of luck to her.

