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Orphan mouse dehydrated

21 15:11:18

Hi Natasha,

I have been taking care of a baby mouse for about four days now. I have raised a few chipmunks but this is my first mouse. I think he is probably about ten days old. It has been difficult to get the KMR into him and I am worried that he is getting dehydrated. I try to get a little something in him about every 1 to 1 1/2 hours. He is pooping regularly(with some help)so I must be getting something in but I am not seeing any urine. Is there anything else I can do to make sure he stays hydrated?

Hi Lisa,

First thing: Go to this link:

and watch the ten videos on raising mouse pups by hand. This woman knows more than I do. She rescues pinkies from feeder bins (I disagree with that, but that's another topic) and raises them as pets. The videos are a little scattered and the titles don't necessarily correspond with the contents, so I just recommend watching them all.

The main thing you need to do is get an electrolyte solution such as pedialyte, which is for babies. Basically you will give it to him straight for one feeding, and then keep adding more KMR, to half-half, until he is no longer dehydrated. She actually uses her own formula, which you might want to learn to make even for your chipmunks; but most people are successful with KMR.

I wish the little guy the best of luck.

