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Carefresh animal bedding

21 15:09:44

Hi, I'm wondering if Carefresh is an ok bedding for mice. Carefresh was my favorite type of small animal bedding and all of my rodents[mice,guinea pigs,hamsters etc.] have had that type of bedding. I'm aware Carefresh has dye in it and i know thing with dye in them aren't good for mice but Carefresh only uses natural dyes so i'd like to know if thats ok.

Hello again!

Yes, Carefresh is a wonderful bedding for mice.  The dyes are safe in this product, and the only risk as with any bedding is accidentally bringing in mites.  A good safety precaution is to freeze the bedding for 24 hours before use, then thaw it out when you need it.  This is actually the favorite bedding of my mice, as it lets them burrow and play through it the way other beddings do not.  :)
