Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse skin growth

Mouse skin growth

21 15:20:27

QUESTION: Hi Natasha, I am hoping you might be able to help my Mouse, Maisy.

I hope you can see the picture attached, Maisy mouse is a 11 month old albino Doe.  I have never kept any mice up until i got Maisy. She lives with a 15 month old brown doe, called Brownie. They get along really well, they are like sisters, (apart from the odd disagreement!)

I noticed the ''Pimple'' about 3 months ago, but thought nothing of it at the  time. It is now starting to concern me as it is showing no signs of healing up. It is about 1/8 inch round, and quite firm. The redness does seem to vary .  I doesnt seem to affect Maisy at all, she is always lively, loves climbing, and running on her flying saucer.

I try to clean out the cage every 5-7 days, and i dont think they have ever had any mite or flea problems (i also have a cat). They drink mineral water, and feed them my own mix of Ready pressed Pellets, Porridge oats, Bran flakes, Hard rye bread, and sunflower seeds and cookie crumbs as a treat. Maisy has always been a ''little'' fat compared to the rather slendour Brownie.

So, have you seen a lump or pimple like this before? i would be really grateful if you could advise us.

With thanks, Chris.

ANSWER: Dear Chris,

I had a mouse with that once and she was fine.  It seemed to be a wart.  Still I want to make sure it isn't something negative and treatable.  I have sent out the question to a few other mouse people to see if anyone has experience with it. If I don't send another answer it means everyone agrees that it's just a wart. Otherwise I will let you know right away.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Maisy thanks you for the speedy reply!

I really do hope its a wart and nothing more serious. Though considering Maisy's general good health, i am keeping my hopes up.

I was just wondering if the pimple is bothering her in any way, since sometimes it seems to be red raw as if she is scratching or biting at it.


Dear Chris,

I discussed it with my breeder.  His experience is the same as mine. He said it's a wart or a skin tag, and in his experience it is completely harmless. He thinks it's hereditary.  

He also said it can often be clipped off or even pinched of with fingernails.  You might want to try this if it is bothering her. if you do this, make sure your fingernails or clippers are clean-- rub them with alcohol-- and have a warm, damp paper towel or kleenex handy to press against the tiny wound. Don't put her back in the cage until it is no longer bleeding.

Best of health to Maisy : ))

