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baby Mouse!WHATDOiDO

21 15:20:55

I found a baby mouse outside of my house.He was moving fine, he had some scratches.I took him inside so that he would be warm, since he was a mammal i knew 2 give him milk.Is 2% okay?I rubbed a warm washcloth on bathroom areas.All he wants 2 do is sleep. is that normal?I really want him 2 survive.I need help!please respond asap.thx so much:)

Dear Olivia,

Thank you for rescuing the little guy.  He has had a terrible shock, so you might not be able to save him.  Still, many mice have been successfully saved by kind humans.  It's bad news, though, that he has scratches. If they get infected there's nothing you can do.

It was great that you started with a little milk.  The best thing you can do now is get some kitten milk replacement from the pet store. You can actually just get one can and freeze tiny ziplock bags with each day's milk so it doesn't go bad.  If you can't get KMR, soy milk is the next best.  He actually needs to nurse every 2 hours!  That's throughout the night too.  His mom fed him every half hour.  Give it to him drop by drop until he refuses.  You've got the right idea to rub his abdomen after he eats. A Q-tip can make that easier.

Keep him very warm at all times.  A hot water bottle or heating pad is good, or a lizard heating rock. However you do it, don't fry him-- make sure there is an area he can wiggle to where it isn't as hot. I have no idea how old he is, but if you can still see his skin (you saw scratches) he's less than a week. He will open his eyes on about day 14, so you will know how old he is then. At that point you will want to put him in something with a lid, for it will only be a day or so until he decides he can go places on his own, like climb out of his box. A week later you can space the feedings out much longer and offer him some crumbs and seeds, and some separate water.  Nurse him for another week, or until he refuses. This is a good time to introduce a wheel too. You can start training him on the water bottle soon too.

If he survives-- and don't blame yourself if he doesn't, you can't help not being a mommy mouse-- he will make a very sweet pet. Good luck and have fun.

