Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Swollen red lumps- or testicles?

Swollen red lumps- or testicles?

21 15:20:17

QUESTION: Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to help me. About four weeks ago I caught a baby field mouse in my home and kept him/her for a pet for two weeks before he escaped. He lived in the unfinished and filthy basement for two weeks before I recaught him today. I noticed that on each side by his lower abdomen or anus there are two large swollen pink round lumps.  You can see the capillaries right through the skin so I know there must be some pressure. He is eating but seems a little sluggish. I know there is no blockage because he has pooped several times since capture, including in the trap. I wanted to know if this is something serious or if it could be related to mating. I purchased some of the probiotic powder available but was wondering if I should get something stronger like an antibiotic. Thank you again.

ANSWER: Dear Rebecca,

That sounds serious. The best thing would be to take him to a vet, if you can. If there was just one lump I'd start by thinking of a tumor or abscess, but with two it could be that or something else that I am not qualified to address. I have no vet training at all; I'm a behavior expert, though I try very hard to help with medical questions.  But this one is well beyond me.  

I'm not sure if you know it's a male. If it's a female, the lumps are probably mammary tumors or mammary-related. But that doesn't help us know how to treat it.

If you really can't take him/her to a vet, antibiotics are the only thing I know to try. Here is how to do that:

Pick up a bottle of Tetracycline in the FISH section of your pet store.

If you have the capsules, empty one capsule into a large water bottle or one half into a small one.  Shake extremely well.  If you have the powder,  1/4 flat teaspoon measure is the same as 1 capsule.  If you have the tablets, completely crush them into fine powder with the back of a spoon and use as powder.   This should be the only water source.   Cover the water bottle with tin foil because Tetracycline reacts with water.

Next, take another capsule worth and mix it with one drop of water.  This will make a paste about the consistency of mustard.    You have plenty to play with, so if the mixture is too watery, try again.  Now pick up the mouse by the scruff of the neck.  This is the skin just behind its head.  This does not hurt it-- it's how its mama used to carry it-- but it will struggle valiantly.   Holding it gently but firmly,  quickly place a small amount into its now open mouth.  This is hard.  Be careful of its nose!  Wipe a bit more onto its whiskers and chin.  It will ingest that when it washes itself.  If you couldn't get any inside it at all, wipe some more on its head.  Put it back into the cage so it will wash itself.

I don't know how tame your mouse is, so you may need two people and two pairs of gloves. It's helpful to hold the base of the mouse's tail at all times to make sure he can't escape. I wish him the very best of luck and health.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the very helpful info. What do you mean by cover the bottle with tin foil because it reacts with water? Also, I noticed that the lump is actually one pointed protrusion with a split down the middle - possibly a female? Do you know what estrus would look like?

ANSWER: Dear Rebecca,

Mice don't show any physical differences during their cycles.

I was told by a vet mouse person who was on Mouse experts for a while, that Tetracycline reacts to light.  Although I and my breeder have both used it without the tin foil successfully for years, I still think it makes sense to follow her advice.  I simply wrap tin foil around the bottle and put it back in its holder.

I don't want to insult you, but you do know what a male mouse looks like? His testicles are a lump with a split down the middle by his anus. Here is a guide to sexing mice:

I hope that's it... because other wise I'm worried...



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You are certainly not offending me because I have no idea about mice - this is my first one. It would seem that the swelling is his testicles enlarged. I didn't see them at all the first time I caught him and now they are very large and pink. I will try the tetracycline to see if that helps and I have put him in a cooler room since it is very hot where he presently was placed. Thank you again for all of your help and the speed at which you provided it.

Revised (continued)

Dear Rebecca--

WAIT!!  Don't give him Tetracycline unless you are sure there is a problem.  When you got him he was too young for his testicles to show. Now they have dropped and they practically drag behind him like every healthy boy mouse. Only if they seem quite lopsided, bumpy, or painful to the touch should you worry about them. Probably he's just a healthy mouse.

squeaks n giggles,


I can't contact you except through here so I hope you read this!  You wrote:

"Natasha you are great - fast responses and very helpful information. I think there is a problem because they are red and large - I wish I could upload a picture! I couldn't find the tetracycline but also read you could try Ivermectin in a rice size dose...I gave it to him 16 hours ago and he is okay so far. I am not going to give him another dose. If you would like to email me if you have the time I would love to send you a picture. taking surveys 424 at gmail Thank you so much you really are WONDERFUL!

(Thank you).  However-- ivermectin is for MITES it is not an antibiotic! It won't have any effect on an infection.

