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Another cure for mouse mites- ivermectin

21 15:19:43


Tommy's thin hair
Hi Natasha,

You have been so helpful to so many, I thought what could it hurt to seek your advice about my sweet little black mouse - Thomas Aquinmouse (named after Saint Thomas Aquinas). I call him Tommy for short.

Tommy is the best mouse ever and I can hardly believe how much I've grown to love him. However my boyfriend and I lost our jobs (recession lay offs) and we can't afford to take this little guy to the vet right now.

Shortly after I purchased a sweet grass nest for Tommy from the bird section of our pet store I noticed he was scratching a lot more than normal. He seemed lethargic, and just kind of blue. Then I noticed that his hair had begun to thin from the nap of his neck, around his ears and down his spin. Not drastically but enough that I started to worry. Normally he has a beautiful sable coat. He really loved the grass nest and I thought I had done something wonderful for him only to figure out, after some research that I had probably introduced some kind of microscopic mite (I can't see them at all) into his environment.

I have been following your 8 in 1 bird mite spray treatment directions and have cleaned his cage and his play pen thoroughly. I have even begun to bake his Carefresh bedding in the oven before I use it, in case that is the source and I trow away all his paper toys each time I clean his cage.

After the first treatment, he seemed a little bit better but I must admit that I had a hard time really soaking him with the spray. I also had not read about baking the cage litter yet so maybe that played a part in his lack of responce. After 7 days, I treated him a second time. This time I tried to really get him wet but he would not let me get to his belly. He was good for a day or two and then ... So I treated him again today (4 days later) for a 3rd time. Realizing that the bird spray was 1/2 strength, I figured that I would treat him 2x / week rather than just 1x.   

Do you think it will be safe to treat him 2x/week for two more weeks, once every 3 or 4 days?

Also, I have developed some sympathetic itching of my own. Are mice mites contagious to humans or cats? Could he have scabies? I can deal with mites but burrowing mites really freak me out. Today I stopped handling him without gloves. I feel bad that I can't pet him and let him crawl around in my robe, which he loves :( Anyway I'm hoping the itching I'm having is just psychological. I worried all night last night that he wasn't getting better, that my house would get infested and that he would have to be euthanized. I feel horrible that I can't afford the care he deserves and who would want to adopt a sick mouse. If I can't fix this I'm afraid he alreay short life will be ended, all b/c of me.

I realize I've rambled but a lot of people, including my boyfriend think I'm crazy to spend money and energy on a $1.00 mouse. I can't help how I feel, I love him greatly even though he is so very small.

Dear Andy,

Thank you for loving Tommy so. People may think mice are worthless but they are priceless!

It's almost certain that Tommy has mites from the grass. You can't get mouse mites yourself.

My mouse dealer : ))  has another way of dealing with mites, which he has shared with me. Because I haven't used it myself, I have never recommended it on allexperts, but I learned much of what I know about mouse medicine from him.

There is a chemical called ivermectin which, instead of killing mites on contact, kills them (and other parasites) when the mites drink the blood. Vets use this with all sorts of animals.

It's not cheap but its cheaper than a vet visit. The least expensive source I found is IVER-ON Ivermectin Pour-On for Cattle at Jeffers Livestock, $19.95 (on sale) for 250 ml:


Mix one part ivermectin to 5 parts water. Put in a spray bottle and give the mouse a few good squirts. He has used it on pinkies, so it is pretty gentle on the mouse. You can do it once a week, though after two weeks the problem should be gone. It's best to avoid the face.

Let me know how it goes. It's possible that the problem isn't mites, but unfortunately only a vet could diagnose or treat anything else. In any case if the weaker spray helped some, it seems like it is  parasite.

Best of luck to little Thomas Aquinmouse.

