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pet mouse squeaking

21 15:32:55

We've had two female pet mice for about 3 to 4 weeks. The one just started squeaking and it is constant. She still seems fine otherwise. Could there be a problem with her breathing? We had mice in the past and never had squeaking.

Dear Julia,

She probably has a respiratory infection.  

You can take them to a vet to have her diagnosed for sure (take both), and the vet has all the most modern medicines and possibly an easy way to dose them.  This is always the best option.

However, I know that mice are often low budget pets, and I do have a method that I use to treat mice for respiratory infections.  This works most of the time, but remember, the vet always knows best.

In the following post I describe how to use the over the counter antibiotic Tetracycline, which you will find in the FISH section of the pet store.  In this post the person found tablets instead of capsules, but you will probably find capsules.  The dosage for the water bottle is thus 1 emptied capsule for a large water bottle or 1/2 emptied capsule for a small one.  Please read the instructions carefully.  You don't need to give the second mouse the dose by hand, but she will drink the water.

Good luck : )

