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Fancy mouse eye problems

21 15:20:54

Hi Tamarah,

My fancy mouse,Dakota,has something wrong with his eye. He can open it, but it has a reddish colored gunk coming out.It only happens every once and a while. I tried rinsing it with warm salt water, and with Visine. It helps the rest of that day, but the  next it is the same way. I noticed today that that side of his face is a bit swollen,and the reddish gunk is still there. I'm a little ( a lot) worried, and anything you can tell me will be much appreciated. I have thought about taking him to the vet, but there is no small animal vet around here,and I don't know how much one would cost if I found one. Thank you for your time,

Hi Ashley,

A vet will be able to give you a more certain answer and better medications if necessary, but around my area a vet visit to one that treats small animals will run about $35-55 for the visit, and around $10 and up for any tests or treatments decided on.  If you can afford it, I would definitely call around and see if any of your other vets know of nearby clinics.  Teaching clinics, if you live near a university, are generally less expensive.

Of course that isn't always possible, so if it doesn't pan out here's what I'd try.  The swelling and gunk indicate an infection, which could be the result of any number of things, including scratching from a primary cause like mites or an allergy.  Since it's localized in one side of his face and eye, however, I'm willing to bet it's not a part of a bigger issue.  An eye infection is easily treatable, but if there is an abscess or bigger infection in the face it really needs a more professional diagnosis and treatment.  A vet can provide a prescription antibiotic or special eyedrops, but if doing it at home is your only option, here is a link to Natasha's excellent instructions on how to use tetracycline (an antibiotic you can find in most pet shops in the fish section):

In the meantime, I would continue the salt water and Visine rinses, since they do seem to help.  At the very least it might be making him feel a bit more comfortable.  An eye infection doesn't have to be a serious thing, but it can get bad if not treated appropriately.  Since I'm not a vet and I can't guarantee it will respond to a general antibiotic like tetracycline, I would really, really recommend finding or at least calling a vet for professional advice.  Abscesses, for instance can only be *properly* treated by a real vet.  Whatever you have the means to do, I hope little Dakota feels better soon!

Best of luck!