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baby wild mice losing hair

21 15:39:21

Hi there Natasha, I had asked you several questions about my baby wild mice over the past few days.  I mentioned that they were losing their fur, I am a bit worried and concerned.  I have read several blogs about this and am wondering if they have mites?  They are so tiny I worry about treating them with anything.  I have had them for 2 weeks and this hair loss is new.  Could it possibly be the ritz crackers and kitten formula that I am feeding them?  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I love these little guys and don't want to see anything bad happen to them.  Thanks

Dear Maria,

Obviously the first line of action would be to bring them to a vet if you can.  A vet can check the skin for mites, and may have other suggestions.  But if that doesn't fit your budget, here is my advice.

I would give them two days not washing them and see if it is getting worse.  They should eat dry food if they can:  Dried bread crumbs should be easy.  If they can't, of course, continue to nurse them but don't wash them.

If it does get worse, you can treat them with a bird spray that is half as strong as the rodent spray.  It is the brand 8-in-one and it is for parrots.  Don't spray them; spray onto a plate or something and use your fingers to rub a little bit on their necks and backs.  Give them a sanitized new cage.  Then do it again a week later with the cleaned cage again.  Their skin might hurt after the application so they might be in a little pain after a few hours but they should be ok. If they squeak remember touching them will hurt so you don't want to do more than let them be or lay them gently in your hand and don't move.  

I hope you won't have to treat them but if you do, just so you know, my breeder has used the stronger version on babies and says they were fine.  Still I can't make guarantees because they are so little.  

Good luck!

