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Serious mouse facial injury

21 15:07:27

Hi there, my name is Kat.
My friends little manx female mouse has a missing front right foot and half of the left side of her nose is missing to what seems like the bone. We have no idea how it happened and it only just happened in the past hour at most. We tried to give her a little bit of childrens nurofen but she wasn't interested and she keeps wiping her bloody nose on my hands.
Please help us to help her,

Dewar Kat,

I saw your message about 12 hours later, at about 4 AM and I thought and thought and I could think of nothing but put her to sleep. How do you medicate a mouse who is missing half a nose? I am horrified. Poor poor little girl. If she survived the night I hope you got her to a vet today? At this point an antibiotic shot is probably necessary.

I just wish I could have helped. If she is still alive, and you just can't get to the vet, pick up some fish amoxicillin, doxyxycline, or tetracycline and  write back and I will figure out dosage and mixing. But if she has any chance at all it probably depends on getting her to the vet.

Sad squeaks,
