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Wild Baby Mice and Diseases

21 15:19:49

Hi. My name is Nikki.

I found baby mice in my garage about a week ago and my parents think it carries to many diseases to keep as pets. Their eyes are still closed and their ears aren't up yet. They are almost 2 weeks old and I trying to take care of them.
Do they carry harmful diseases.   Do I need to get them vaccinated?

Any help is ok.



The disease to worry about is Hantavirus. Because baby mice do not get this from their moms at birth, it is highly unlikely that an infant could have it. The precaution to take is to not breathe in their dirty bedding. People usually get Hantavirus from cleaning out or living in severely mouse-infested areas. You might be able to allay your mom's fears by googling Hantavirus and your state. Hantavirus has only shown up in some states, mostly in the Southwest.  

I can't make any promises for legal reasons, but I myself would not worry.

Good luck with the baby. If he has lived a week, you must be doing a good job taking care of him.  He will make a great pet!

