Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse legs paralyzed?

mouse legs paralyzed?

21 15:32:47

QUESTION: It seems as though both of the back legs of my female mouse are paralyzed??  They're draggin on the floor behind her.  She doesn't seem like she's in pain and she's still getting around just fine.  Any clues?  I've never heard of such a thing.


ANSWER: Dear Michelle,

Mice have genetic defects such as cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis just as people do.  If she hasn't had a fall to injure her, it is likely that she has such a genetic problem.  If she seems in good spirits and gets to her food and water, don't feel bad for her.  She doesn't know that this doesn't happen to all mice!  

You can also take her to the vet to make sure this isn't something treatable.  It is, however, just as expensive as any animal.

I hope your little mouse stays happy.  She might still have a perfectly enjoyable life in front of her.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I guess I forgot to say that we've had her for almost a year and this just started last week?  I don't know of any fall that she could have had...

Dear Michelle,

In that case it's probably a genetic problem.  People don't develop MS until they are older either.  However, I'm not a vet and can't give a definitive answer.  You can try this exotics vet:

She can often answer questions about mice.

Best of health to the mouse.
