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Mouse nips me; cat contact

21 15:32:46

I have two mice. One is always biting me, but doesn't bite anyone else, and I've been thinking she's only afraid of me. Even if I'm wearing gloves or my hands have no food on them, she still seems to always bite me. I've stopped handling her because of her biting. And my other mouse never bites me and is very sweet, but she bit my friend. Am I doing something wrong? And how would I get my cat to leave them alone?

Dear Jo,

I am hoping you don't mean the mouse is making you bleed.  If she is nipping (no blood), there is a way to get her to stop.  A VERY VERY GENTLE tap on the top of her nose right as she is nipping will let her know to change her behavior.  It should NOT  hurt.  It is more like an insult.  You can do this with cats too.  Please be so careful.  She should barely feel it.  It isn't  punishment.  This might work if she is actually biting-- drawing blood-- too.  However, if a mouse is seriously biting you I would recommend always using gloves.  I don't know why she is choosing you.  You may be right that for some reason she is afraid of you.  Any small thing might have happened at some point that freaked her out.  

If a sweet mouse bit someone once, it probably means either she was scared for some reason, felt mishandled, or there was food or other aroma on your friend's hand.  

Your cat will probably not learn to let the mice alone.  It's too thoroughly bred into a cat that a mouse and exactly everything that a mouse does is exactly what interests the cat.  Of course you  must make absolutely sure there is no physical contact between the two.  The mice mustn't, for instance, be in a wire cage that the cat can access.  A cat can do a lot of damage with just its claws through a wire cage wall.  Attention from the cat even through a glass cage can be scary and stressful for the mouse.  If you can keep the cat out of that room-- at least when no one is watching-- that would be best.

squeaks n giggles,
