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Lethargic mouse

21 15:18:32

My pet mouse has been acting strange over the past few days. She has just been lying in the same place, only moving occasionally to get food and drink. She has also been panting or breathing heavily. I examined her and can't see any bold spots or any other abnormal signs, can you please help?

Hi Luke,

It sounds like your mouse is very sick and needs to see a vet as soon as possible.  If you can, bring her in along with her cage, so the vet can look for any problems and so she isn't as stressed by the trip.  It'd be a good idea to check out her environment, too - has it been particularly hot or cold where her cage is?  Has the humidity drastically changed recently?  How old is she?  Has her waste looked normal recently?  Has she had any sneezing, coughing, or rattling sounds to accompany the heavy breathing?

You are absolutely welcome to write back with more details about her and I can try and help, but I have a feeling she needs professional medical attention.  I hope she feels better!!

Best of luck,