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my baby mice might be pregnant

21 15:38:56

well not so baby mice there about 4 weeks old, today i noticed that we have 3 males i guess, and i think one of my females is pregnant....i hope not...isnt that young...if she is im skrewed XDi hope the rest arent pregnant to, but she has a little bit of a tummy :S i dont know...i wish i could send you a picture of her, is there anyway? then you could tlel me for sure? thx

The best way I could tell you is if you sent me a picture by e-mail. Take a picture of her in these three positions, hold her on your palm, then hold her up so that she is standing on her hind feet with her belly showing, then have her crawl headfirst down a steep incline like your leg if you are sitting with it bent or you could pile a pillow so that it's very steep. Four weeks is very young to get pregnant and it happens rarely. Lastly, separate those babies! You'll really have your hands full if they all mate.

Here's my e-mail address: Sorry this took so long, my computer's motherboard gave in.