Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > swollen baby mouse anus

swollen baby mouse anus

21 15:38:29

I thought I was done writing, but I suspect a real problem.
One of the mice -- the one that has been constipated -- has a swollen anal area.  It's different from the other mouse -- much larger.  It just doesn't look right. I had to use a cotton swab to help it pass a stool by gently pressing with a downward motion from just below the tummy to the anal opening.  It did pass the stool. The mouse was trying to lick at its anus, so something is bothering it about this too. I'm hoping it's just irratation from being constipated.

The mouse is perky -- it got away from me earlier today and had a fun time. It ate heartily tonight.  But I don't know what this is or what if anything to do.

I've been holding my breath since I do have a nice home to send the to.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Dear Mary Beth,

The swelling might be from the constipation.  The mouse seems to really need a more liquid diet. You could try a little Neosporin in case it is infected.  You can also rub a little vitamin E oil (break open a gel-tab of the vitamin) on it for a little relief.

I hope it gets better quickly.

