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I may have a problem..

21 15:39:37

Hello Panya,

For the past couple of days my fridge has been making a strange squeaking noise, and when i moved it I discovered 4 baby mice underneath. I live above a pub and obviously cannot have them around for health and safety reasons. However, I cannot bring myself to kill them. Currently, I am keeping them in a bowl full of cotton wool and ripped kitchen towel, dipping some of it in milk every couple of hours as I don't know what to do!

I guess what I'm asking is: where should I take these mice? Or should i take the general London attitude and throw them out with the rest of the rubbish, just to be consumed like the rest of the crap from this town?

Please help, I haven't got a clue, but unfortunately have a heart.


You did the right thing, keeping them warm is very important. I am impressed you have managed to feed them!

Unfortunately it is unlikely they will survive without their mother especially as they must be 2 or 3 days old. The only way for them to survive is to give them to a nursing mother (i.e at a pet shop). The other option is to have them euthanized at the vet but it may cost you.

You could always try to hand rear them but this is very time consuming as they need to be fed every few hours with puppy formula.

You may wish to use a humane mouse trap (looks like a mini cat trap) to catch the mother as she will get pregnant again. Release her in a suitable spot at least 2 miles from your home.

Thank you for trying to save them, its good to know there people as caring as you out there (more caring than some who sell mice). I don't want to sound patronizing but it means a lot when someone takes the time to do that for them.

Please feel free to ask any more questions