Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > ear scratching wound

ear scratching wound

21 15:38:54

My daughter brought home two adorable mice from a roomate that was going to toss them in the year. Anyway, one of them is scratching the ear so bad it is bleeding.  I saw some info on mites and I should separate the two, but can I clean the ear with anything?

Dear Mary,

There is no need to separate the two.  If they have mites, it's pretty easy to treat, though they won't like it.  If you can go to a vet to have the mouse examined, they can tell from the skin what the problem is.  If that isn't an option then try the following mite treatment:

Use the 8-in-1 BIRD flea and tick spray-- it is half as potent but better for the mice, who may have sensitive skin.  Follow the directions very carefully, especially don't forget to shake the bottle.  Keep the mice in a warm place until they are dry.  At the same time, clean the cage thoroughly, including throwing away all cardboard toys and washing plastic or cloth toys in hot water or with a very very light bleach solution.  If within three days there is no difference at all, it probably isn't mites.  If there is improvement, do the same procedure including cage cleaning ten days later to kill the ones that were eggs at the time of the first treatment.  This will cure most mite problems.  If you see improvement but the itching still persists, that is the time to get the stronger rodent version of the spray and do the same.  But only if there was some improvement with the first treatment.

If the first application of spray makes no difference at all, it probably isn't mites.  There are other reasons for mice to scratch:  allergies, ringworm, mange.  Try a different bedding first; that's the most common allergy.  There are several different kinds.  I often use wood chips, though others warn that they can be allergenic.  There is also a paper type bedding called Carefresh, and other knockoffs.  If you get that, get the softer one so they can dig tunnels.  There are also pellets of corn or wood or even old newspaper (called "Yesterday's News") that your pet store might carry.  

If nothing stops the scratching, the vet is the best option.  

To clean the ear you don't want to use any of the options that we use which hurt.  A little hydrogen peroxide would do the trick, applied with a Q-tip.  She won't like it because it will feel weird!  You'll need to wipe it off with a kleenex a minute later.

Best of luck with your new pets.  There are answers to a multitude of mouse owning questions in  my archives, and feel free to write again with any problem.

