Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > aggressive mouse in basement - concern?

aggressive mouse in basement - concern?

21 15:19:06

while washing clothes in basement heard loud "chatter" - reminded me of squirrels outside - turned around to see mouse on laundry shoot (took off up shoot after 1 or 2 minutes of chatter.  Came back, jumped from shoot (ceiling height 8-9 feet)to floor, stood there like in stand off with me (I'm clapping hands, stomping feet so it would run away).  He stood ground again "chattering". Finally turned and left...I ran upstairs.  So scared i refuse to go back in basement. Have never seen this behavior in a mouse - usually don't even see them as they're afraid of people.  Was this abnormal?  Traps in basement but don't seem to help with this one.  Please, advise.  THANK YOU!

Dear Amy,

My first guess would be that you were too close to her nest. Mice can make loud noises if they want to, although it is indeed rare. Also, some mice are just brave. It is of course nicer when they are brave and friendly, which happens too, as opposed to brave and unfriendly.

What you are probably worried about is rabies, which can make a wild animal unafraid, but mice almost never get rabies and there are no documented cases of mice transmitting rabies to human. So you are safe on that score.

Still, it is possible that the mouse might bite if you get too near it. Although zoonotic diseases (diseases which can be transmitted between humans and mice) are very rare, mice can have bacteria in their mouth like any animal.

There are many live traps on the market; perhaps you can find one which works. Havahart makes a good trap. Once you catch the mouse, bring it well over a mile to release it or you might see it again.

Another option is electronic pest repellent devices which work through ultrasound and other principles. These just plug into the wall and emit noises that make the mouse's ears hurt and make it want to go away. You can't use these if you have pets, though.

Best of luck!

