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skinny mouse

21 15:39:27

Lately my 2 and a half year old mouse became really skinny. One night I
found her in her cage breathing really weird-she was staring straight ahead
and her breathing was erratic and labored. She looked kind of like she had a
blockage or something and she was moving back and forth. I hadn't seen her
eat anything the days before. Now I have seen her eating just fine, but I can
still see and feel all of her bones very easily. What do you think could be
wrong? I'm very worried about her. She acts normally, and I just don't have
any more ideas!
Thank you,

Please understand 2 and a half years is very good for a mouse, a lot don't see 18 months.

I am sorry to tell you but she is probably dying of old age or a health problem relating to old age (breathing difficulties are very common in elderly mice). It is a good sign that she is eating again but I suggest you take her to the vet. Be prepared for bad news though.

Keep her warm and give her all her favorite foods. Juicy fruit is a good option as it will hydrate her.

I am assuming she is a fancy mouse as deer mice can live up to 5 years.

Please feel free to ask any more questions. All the best.