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how do i know she is in labor?

21 15:20:00

hello i am taking care of my teachers 5 Egyptian Spiny Mice over this summer and one just had 4 babies only 2 survived and are alive at this moment but i was not here when she gave birth i was in Hawaii(that is when 2 died) so now their are 7 mice now and when i came back i noticed that another mice of mine was getting big and she is pretty huge now im pretty positive she is pregnant and i'm just wondering if you can tell me signs that show she is going to be delivering? like how do i know she is going to give birth?

Hi Laura,

I have never kept spiny mice before and have absolutely no experience or knowledge of their habits.  I can give you a few facts about house mice, however, that might also apply to spiny mice.

House mice give birth a few hours after darkness, or if there is no regular light period, when it's usually darkest.  It's likely you won't get to see her go into labor and start having the pups, but if you do it is extremely important not to disturb her.  They build a nest the day before, when they feel like they are about to give birth (though some mice nest all the time or not at all).  They may shred bedding, or build it up into a ball.  Once the pups are born they may not leave the nest very often, or may get nervous if they think you or other mice are coming too near the nest.  On the other hand, some mothers are very relaxed.

This website lists the gestation period (from conception to giving birth) for spiny mice at about 36-42 days, and has some other interesting facts on them:

I'm afraid I don't have any other advice to offer.  Hope I helped, though!